Mahaica-Berbice Atman At-101 power head
Atman At-101 power head
Hi guys, i like to know whether a Atman 101 power head is enough for my 2ft tank? Or should i get a At-102. I only filled it half full as im keeping ranchu so is around 35L for my tank.Ht of my tank is 45cm
Length is 61cm
depth is 30cm
I am using a Emeror 6500 with 650 litres flowrate per hour. It flows slowly, enough for my angelfishes to swim comfortably.
Atman 101 flowrate is 500 litres per hour so it is just nice for your ranchu, as the water circulation will be calm and not violent.
>Do you connect it to a OHF?
>Yes I did. So U can see the flow rate is slow. Water is circulating calmly,
>May i know what type of OHF you using? Stackable one or those dophin type? Thanks
>Just one layer similar to those dolphin type.
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