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arowana animal crossing(gpgt)journal of my new rays

Author: Time:2021-11-0538 second

Information summary:  finally decide to get another two pieces, make a couple.. as usual go to my favorite place see see.. sighted these two which caught my eyes, as luck has it, i...., exotically, arowana fish platinum.arowana animal crossing(gpgt)journal of my new rays

  finally decide to get another two pieces, make a couple.. as usual go to my favorite place see see.. sighted these two which caught my eyes, as luck has it, its a male and female so da bao.. now in tank liao
Congratulation for you to take the journey together with many of us here in the forum. Any pictures to share?
I started my Ray journey about a year plus ago with the help from a hobbyist whom I really appreciate his kind offer. Besides getting nice and good rays, it is really a great knowledge to learn about the know how in keeping healthy Ray.
>tada!!!! rays still in the bag just now.. quickly snap a pic
>nice fish ..
>getting used to the new home..
Uploaded with
>the female.. duhz
see how big the difference in size between the resident mama and this newbie
Uploaded with
>the male.. hope his kkj grow faster
Uploaded with
nice sp ray but do monitor to see if the big female is too aggressive with the smaller rays
>so far ok.. but on several occasions i saw the big mama just cover up the little ones
according to the guy who sold me the rays.. he say its fine usually with big females
but just monitor to be safe.. had a great chat with him again
super nice guy
>Originally Posted by iloveRTG so far ok.. but on several occasions i saw the big mama just cover up the little ones
according to the guy who sold me the rays.. he say its fine usually with big females
but just monitor to be safe.. had a great chat with him again
super nice guy Bro...just monitor. my female like to bully the small rays!
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